Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Way of the cross for young people

On Saturday, 9th March 2013, there was way of the cross for young people on Green Hill. Way of the cross is a very specific Christian tradition. Christians remind themselves the death of Jesus, who died on the cross before Easter. One person brings the cross and the others bring candles and pray. There are 14 stations, at every station there is a short speech and then everybody is thinking  about his or her mind for a while. There are different ways how to organize it. We started in the Basilica Minor and continued around the hill to the Church of st. John Nepomuk. We stopped at different places and that was one station. It was rainy and cold but we stayed until the end. There were 31 people from Žďár and its neighborhood.  Everybody was glad he came despite the bad weather, because it was nice spiritual experience.
Míša Mužátková

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Legend About the Green Hill

Once upon a time there were really bad times for people in Bohemia because the weather was really dry and it had not rained for a long time. The reason of this situation was that the pagan family of Vrsovci had an argument with the bishop Vojtech from the family of Slavnikovci.

Vojtech was the bishop of Prague bishopric and he was very popular among ordinary people from Highlands because of his willingness and reliability. Once he visited the residents of Highlands and they persuaded him to stay with them.

 People were really frightened and they hoped that Vojtech will come back and save them.
On the green hill the old hermit Brimota was living in that time. One day he was visited by Vojtech, who went to Bohemia to save people from the curse. When people learned about his arrival, they all came and asked him for help.

Vojtech agreed and he stood on a stone. He started to

In that time it started to rain and the grass turned green and streams filled with water.
So people started to call this place the Green Hill.

Natálie Zelinková

Why is important to study English?

Simply because we would be able communicate. English is considered to be one of the most important widespread languages and its grammar is not so difficult. Wherever we travel, we can use it. And this is the magic of English. We cannot learn English properly at school by mechanically learning grammar rules to know them by heart. Fluent communication in English is possible when we are forced to speak with somebody who cannot understand our Czech. Our Bishop grammar school has helped me in this way. I could participated in the project of European Union Comenius Bilateral Partnership. Thanks to this project I could visit Finland and I could practice my English for two weeks and work on the team project. It was perfect for me. I stayed in a family where I could speak of course only English and I had to use my knowledge of English from school to complete sentence as good as it was possible. I lost my worries about making mistakes and be lost in a foreign country. My fear was away.
We all make mistakes but we can understand each other!
Thanks to these two weeks my English improved rapidly and I could make new friendships which I developed when my new friends visited our school and Žďár nad Sázavou.

Proč je důležité učit se angličtinu?

Proč je důležité učit se angličtinu? Jednoduše proto, abychom se domluvili. Angličtina patří mezi světové jazyky a její gramatika není zase tolik složitá. Ať pojedeme kamkoli, domluvíme se. A v tom je právě kouzlo angličtiny. Mluvit anglicky se totiž nenaučíme ve škole tím, že budeme znát všechny gramatické poučky nazpaměť. Mluvit anglicky se naučíme, až budeme donuceni mluvit s někým, kdo nám jinak nerozumí. A v tom mi hodně pomohla naše škola. Dala mi možnost zúčastnit se projektu Comenius Partnerství škol. Díky tomuto projektu jsem mohla spolu s dalšími spolužáky odcestovat do Finska a dva týdny mluvit anglicky a pracovat na společném projektu. Byl to pro mě velký přínos. V rodině, kde jsem bydlela, jsem se jinak než anglicky nedomluvila, byla jsem tedy nucena využívat svých znalostí ze školy a skládat věty jak nejlíp to šlo. Ztratila jsem strach z toho, že udělám chybu a celá věta bude špatně, že mi nikdo nebude rozumět. Brzy mi došlo, že můj strach vůbec nebyl oprávněný. Všichni chybujeme, ale i přesto si rozumíme. Díky těmto dvěma týdnům se moje angličtina rozvinula a já měla možnost navázat nová přátelství, která se ještě více utužila, když přijeli naši kamarádi za námi do Žďáru.

28. 2. 2013 Míša Mužátková